Sadly Jim McCrary passed away on Apat the age of 72. He also shot album covers and photos for Michael Jackson, Cat Stevens, Flying Burrito Brothers, Peaches and Herb, Billy Preston, Cheech & Chong and others. McCrary is best known for his photography work on Carole King's "Tapestry" album. McCrary also shot the photos for the repackaged "Ticket To Ride" album as well as the photos included in the album "A Song For You" and he did the famed "Now & Then" album cover. The photography for the album was done by A&M staff photographer Jim McCrary.

Insiders began to take note of the female drummer who sang like an angel. Is Carpenters’ retooling of the Beatles’ “Ticket to Ride.” The song helped to create a buzz in the Some of the songs such as "Your Wonderful Parade" and "All I Can Do" dated all the way back to their days as the band Spectrum in 1967. However the album "Offering" showcased a variety of styles and genres that Carpenters had honed over the past three or four years including jazz riffs, folk rock tunes, bubblegum pop and of course the almighty ballad.